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Cookie of the Day: October 21st, 2011

Today’s cookie is an Archway Cookie. Dutch Cocoa!

Congratulations, Dutch Cocoa. You are offically the Cookie of the Day.

These cookies are chocolatey goodness with sugar. I really want some right now, but there’s none in my house, unfortunately. Maybe I’ll get some tomorrow 🙂

Here’s hoping your weekend is full of cookies! Tell me about your weekend or a favorite cookie in your comments.


A Fabulous Plotting Worksheet

I’m swearing by this worksheet for my latest novel. It’s really thought-inspiring and helps you to work through the nitty-gritty. It’s especially great for you if you’re thinking “I have this idea…and I like it…and I want to write it…but what’s going to happen?” And especially if you’re thinking “I have a beginning. And an end. But no middle.”

I hope that this helps everyone out there. Leave comments on how it worked for you or if you have a website that I should feature in my next post. 🙂